Monday, April 29, 2024

a dolls house pdf

HELMER.[accompanying her to the door]. Goodnight, goodnight. I hope you willget home all right. I should be very happy to—but you haven’t anygreat distance to go.

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NORA.If you speak slightingly of my husband, I shall turn you out of the house. MRS LINDE.[walking to the window]. I have no father to give me money for ajourney, Nora. NORA.[laughing]. [Wags her finger ather.] But “Nora, Nora” is not so silly as you think.

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We will only shout with joy, andkeep saying, "It's all over! It's all over!" Listen to me, Nora. Youdon't seem to realise that it is all over. —such a cold,set face! My poor little Nora, I quite understand; you don't feel as ifyou could believe that I have forgiven you. But it is true, Nora, Iswear it; I have forgiven you everything. I know that what you did, youdid out of love for me.

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KROGSTAD.[coming a step nearer]. Listen to me, Mrs Helmer. Either you have a verybad memory or you know very little of business. I shall be obliged to remindyou of a few details.

The Minimalist Remodeling of 'A Doll's House' -

The Minimalist Remodeling of 'A Doll's House'.

Posted: Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Adding Extra Rooms, a Door, and Windows

If you speak slightly of my husband, I shall turn you outof the house. Idon't suppose he is any more unassailable than other husbands. A lawyer of the name of Krogstad, a fellow you don't knowat all. He suffers from a diseased moral character, Mrs. Helmer; buteven he began talking of its being highly important that he should live. Mrs. Linde (walking to the window). I have no father togive me money for a journey, Nora.

A Doll's House: A Play in Three Acts

You ought to have come to town a little earlier,Christine. Certainly Torvald does understand how to make a house dainty andattractive. NORA.Yes, I was passing by. As a matter of fact, it is something you could help mewith. NORA.It was impossible; papa was so ill.

NORA.I assure you, Torvald, that is not an easy question to answer. I reallydon’t know. The thing perplexes me altogether. I only know that you and Ilook at it in quite a different light. I am learning, too, that the law isquite another thing from what I supposed; but I find it impossible to convincemyself that the law is right.

Adding Extra Rooms, a Door, and Windows

a dolls house pdf

Still, you know, we can’t spend money recklessly. Yes, Torvald, we may be a wee bit more reckless now, mayn’t we? Just a tiny wee bit! You are going to have a big salary and earn lots and lots of money.

Why A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen is more relevant than ever - The Guardian

Why A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen is more relevant than ever.

Posted: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 07:00:00 GMT [source]

I know they are in better hands than mine. AsI am now, I can be of no use to them. I know nothing but what the clergyman said, when I went tobe confirmed. He told us that religion was this, and that, and theother.

You are not cold, I hope.[Helps her.] Now we will sit down by the stove, and be cosy. No, takethis armchair; I will sit here in the rocking-chair. [Takes her hands.]Now you look like your old self again; it was only the first moment—Youare a little paler, Christine, and perhaps a little thinner. Listen, Torvald. I have heard that when a wife deserts herhusband's house, as I am doing now, he is legally freed from allobligations towards her. In any case I set you free from all yourobligations.

I onlyknow that you and I look at it in quite a different[pg 111]light. I am learning, too, that the law is quite another thing from whatI supposed; but I find it impossible to convince myself that the law isright. According to it a woman has no right to spare her old dyingfather, or to save her husband's life. I can't believe that.

There is another reason– well, I may as well tell you. I daresay you know, like everybody else, that once, many years ago, I was guilty of an indiscretion. Doctor Rank (comes out of HELMER’S study. Before he shuts the door he calls to him). No, my dear fellow, I won’t disturb you; I would rather go in to your wife for a little while. (Shuts the door and sees Mrs. LINDE.) I beg your pardon; I am afraid I am disturbing you too.

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